I am Gray Frog Photography, a hobbyist photographer who lives in, and is native of, Maine. I mostly enjoy taking photos of nature, rural life, working class life, and small town life here in my homeland to preserve it permanently before we are all reduced to nothing. My photography is both something of an art project and historical preservation project. It's both me taking photos of things I think are pretty, and things I want to prove existed before it's gone. Consider all my photos that I post to the internet to be licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Sunday, October 1, 2023

First post.

Today I have decided to start earnestly organizing and sharing my photos. I used to post some of my photos to Tumblr where they got a tiny amount of attention. Then I started posting some to Diaspora and they got a bit more attention on there. But then I kind of realized there was no good way to trace them back to me if someone reposts them. 

I have a Flickr account now and I and going to be more meticulous with what I upload to it, and then from the Flickr account disseminate my photos to Diaspora and ActivityPub and possibly other places. And I plan to figure out some way to do mass watermarking of photos on Linux Mint. Doing it one at a time would take way too long.